Betekenis van:
write about

to write about
  • schrijven op
  • write about a particular topic



to write about
  • verder gaan met schrijven
  • write about a particular topic




write about


  1. Write about the following topic.
  2. Please write about your home.
  3. I will write a book about that.
  4. This is nothing to write home about.
  5. Please write about your real experience.
  6. It's nothing to write home about.
  7. Nobody wants to write sentences about armpits.
  8. Write about the fashion or the economy!
  9. Most people write about their daily life.
  10. I am going to write about our parks and mountains.
  11. I don't have anything about which to write.
  12. Many poets write about the beauties of nature.
  13. Will you write a small text about that?
  14. I am about to write a sentence in German.
  15. Please write to me about conditions at your school.